When you're in college, you look for cheap forms of entertainment. Since I receive free internet through the university, I find myself on Youtube, Netflix, and other random sites quite often. There's a particular youtube channel I enjoy called Epic Rap Battles of History (ERB) where they take 2 famous figures from history or fiction and pit them against each other in a rap battle. They started making these rap battles on Nicepeter's youtube account, so the entire 1st season of ERB is on his account. They then created a separate channel specifically for epic rap battles which has the current 2 battles of season 2 on it.
Here's the most recent ERBoH, Master Chief vs. King Leonidas (Spartan vs. Spartan):
Who did you think won this Epic Rap Battle of History? Personally, I think Master Chief won. Though I thoroughly enjoyed both of them, I just think MC had better lines and rhymes.
Check out the 1st season of ERB -Here-
Check out the 2nd season of ERB -Here-